03 novembro 2013

Who can baptize?

Who can baptize? In the Catholic Church anyone can baptize in case of an emergency. Do Lutherans allow lay people to baptize?

The power of baptism rests in Jesus' promise (John 3:5,6; Titus 3:5,6; 1 Peter 3:21), not in the person doing the baptizing. For that reason, the Lutheran church recognizes the validity of baptisms performed by laypeople. This often happens (and properly so) when there is an emergency, i.e., a situation where the candidate's survival is in doubt.

A number of needs are met, however, by having a pastor do the baptizing. These include: good order, absolute clarity about whether the person was baptized, a clear public statement that the person is being baptized by the officiating church and into the church, and (if done in a worship service) an opportunity to remind the congregation of their own baptism and its blessings. That's why baptism by a pastor during a worship service is our normal practice.

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