26 dezembro 2013

Devotion from Romans 6: 22-23 (December26, 2013)

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:22-23

Christmas Day is passed. Are you tired? The commercialization of this holiday can have that effect on us. By the time December 26th arrives, we may be all Christmas-ed out.

Much like a commercialized Christmas, enslavement to sin gets old really fast. That tempting master never satisfies. He only takes. And in return for a lifetime of service, the pension is death.

But can the real Christmas celebration ever grow old? Christmas reveals God’s base of operations in his campaign against sin and death. It was a campaign into which he sent his Son to fight victoriously from the cradle to the cross. As a result, you are no longer a slave to sin. Sin may badger you. Sin may threaten you. However, when sin comes knocking, you don’t have to answer. When sin makes demands, don’t listen. Sin has no authority over your life.

Through faith in Jesus, you have a new, life-giving master. He has made you into a new creation. He gives you the freedom to be who you were created to be. He created you to be healthy in holiness, not sick in sin.

Many may be acting as if Christmas is over. Traditionally, however, today is only the second day of Christmas. The season has just begun, and the celebrating really lasts all year round.

In some countries the day after Christmas is known as Boxing Day. Originally, Boxing Day was a day when servants would receive gifts from their masters. What a great reminder for us as we receive God’s gift again this Christmas!

The gift which we receive from God, wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger, is a gift that always amazes. For when we were at our worst, God gave us his best. And no matter how long we’ve had it, God’s gift of a Savior, Jesus Christ, never gets old. For his salvation outweighs our sin; his grace covers our guilt; his rescue ends our rebellion and gives us life.

Lord God, thank you for giving me the gift of life for free in exchange for the death I deserved eternally. Amen.

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